Destiny 2 TV Commercial, 'Last Call'

Published In Life & Entertainment

It's the last call of the night. The needle drops on a soothing record, and Cayde-6 (voiced by Nathan Fillion) pours himself a green drink as he recounts a boring meeting that quickly turned ugly. An enormous explosion heralds the arrival of vicious alien monsters, but Cayde says he wasted no time in disposing of them one after the other. Amidst the chaos, the invaders destroy the Exo's favorite store (well, second favorite ... behind that spicy ramen shop). Cayde kept telling himself, "I've got this," but the truth was that he so did not have it. Not that it makes much of a difference to the custodial robot, who is the unwilling audience for this story. Luckily for him, the calm doesn't hold for long, and laser fire bursts through a giant hole in the bar. "Well, better get back to it," Cayde says as he heads back into the chaotic battle.

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