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NFL 100 Super Bowl 2020 TV Commercial, 'The Toss' Featuring Ray Lewis, Drew Brees, Jim Brown, Song b

Published In Life & Entertainment

In the midst of a heated backyard football game, a boy receives a kickoff and makes a break for the endzone as if the Super Bowl championship was on the line. Breaking through tackle after tackle, the boy is told to "take it to the house" by NFL legend Jim Brown. Inspired by the football legend's words, the boy begins to sprint through famous football cities as an army of players old and young chase him to the end zone. While some NFL legends like Drew Brees want to help the boy in his quest to "take it to the house," others like Ray Lewis aim to tackle him and end his quest for Super Bowl glory. Only stopping to honor the late Patrick Tillman, the boy makes his final push for the Hard Rock Stadium, passing members of the NFL 100 All-Time team before taking to the field for Super Bowl LIV.

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